Friday, 5 May 2017

MaxFactor Makeup Competition

Hi guys! So, as you guys know, hari Minggu, tanggal 26 Maret lalu aku mengikuti Miracle Workers Makeup Competition bersama dengan tiga (Surabaya) beauty blogger lain. Ada Wulan Wu from, Jessica Ie from dan Claresta Dami from Acara ini diadakan di Atrium Tunjungan Plaza 3, Surabaya. And above is the prize (including the beauty case)! I cannot wait to try them all and share the review with you guys ;)

Makeup Competition ini nggak hanya diadakan di kota Surabaya aja, sebelumnya sudah diadakan di Jakarta, kemudian Bandung, Medan, sekarang lagi diadakan di Bali. Aku seneng banget bisa berpartisipasi pada kompetisi ini. Sempat ngerasa takut dan nggak pede, but it's all worth it! A whole new experience for me.

Long story short, I'm the one who won the competition. Bener-bener nggak nyangka. Karena temen-temen yang lain juga nggak kalah bagus karyanya. That was my first time doing makeup on someone else and I won the competition. It's like ............. what? Thanks, Jesus! Thanks to Malva as the Guest Judge and to MaxFactor Indonesia. Thanks to Audrey for being my model that day. Thanks to bunch of my friends and my one and only kvniskandar who came supporting me in anyway. I really love you guys! XO


I still need to work on my makeup skill. But that was a milestone for me. 

So, that’s practically what I want to say. Thanks for reading. I hope you find this post useful. I’ll see you soon!

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