Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Laneige X Dingo Event Report

Hai guys! Happy Mid-Week! Hari ini aku mau share event report dari acara Laneige X Dingo yang seru banget. Kalian harus harus baca terus blogpostnya sampai habis. Jadi, pada hari Sabtu lalu, tanggal 10 Desember 2016, aku diundang oleh Laneige untuk datang ke acara Laneige K-Beauty Week Fun Gathering. Acara ini diadakan di Singasari Room, Sheraron Surabaya Hotel jam 3 sampai jam 5 sore. He eh, aku datengnya kepagian. Tapi gapapa deh ya, daripada telat.

Pada acara ini, Laneige bekerja-sama dengan Dingo to reveal the secret(s) to be a vlogger. Kak Ditta, tim dari Dingo, bener-bener menjelaskan secara gamblang mengenai dunia video dan vlogger. Aku sudah mencatat banyak banget (dan cukup lengkap) informasi dari kak Ditta, dimana akan aku bagikan juga buat kalian semua. Excited kan? Hehehe.

Why Mobile Video Matters?
- Video conveys messages faster and easier.
- Video processed by the brain 60.000 times faster than text.
- 65% of people are visual learners.
- Video is usually stimulating, also memorable.
- Video engages your audience.

Make Your Own Video
1. Facebook
Max 4GB | MP4 | Less than 5 minutes | 16:9 3072x1536 for PC and 640x640 for mobile
Thumbnail is important.
First 3 seconds.
3 Colors.
2. Instagram
Max 15MB | MP4 | 60 secs | 1080x1080
Cover is important.
First 3 seconds.
3 Colors.
3. Youtube
Max 128 GB | 16:9 640 x 360

Mistakes We Usually Do
- 1 video for all platform.
- Expecting instant results.
- Failing to address your target audiences.

For beauty videos, you need to be focused on products on Instagram and Facebook, yet focused on subject on Youtube.

Be Creative!
- Create your own color.
- Think out of the box.
- Video editor skill is important but creativity is more important.
- I am a trendsetter, not a follower.
- Get another people's opinion.

Curation Video Trend
1. Display only the best.
2. One video for many brands.
3. Giving the credits to each contents on one video.
4. Informative

Vlogger Way
Professional Camera | Background | Makeup Kit | Lighting | Tripod | Idea

First Timing Way
1. Phone Camera
2. Mini Tripod / Selfie Stick / Lazypod
3. Lens Case / Fish Eye
4. Natural Lighting
5. Use your own fabric or decorate wall for background or your room as background
6. Mirror & Makeup Products
7. Creativity

So, that’s practically what I want to say. Thanks for reading. I hope you find this post useful. I’ll see you soon!

W R I T T E N   W I T H   L O V E   B Y

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