Friday, 25 November 2016

Azarine Beau Tea Time Event Report

Hai guys! Hari ini aku mau share event report yang fresh from the oven! Eventnya super seru, soalnya nggak cuma perkenalan produk, but we did more than that! So, kemarin aku diundang oleh Cella Vanessa untuk menghadiri acaranya Azarine Beau Tea Time di Java Paragon Pool Side hari Kamis tanggal 24 November 2016. Acaranya dimulai jam 2.30 pm sampai sekitar jam 4 pm. Aku nggak bisa lama-lama, soalnya aku juga diundang ke acaranya SK-II jam 4 sore. Yuk baca terus! ;)

Azarine Beau Tea Time ini keliatan banget kalo dipersiapkan dengan baik. Terlihat jelas pada dekorasinya, sweets and treats yang disediakan, juga acara yang compact, neat dan creative. Aku bakal share beberapa informasi yang aku dapatkan di acara ini, yaitu mengenai the right ways to do spa at home. Anyway, aku tadi kan sebut nama Cella. Yup! Cella adalah a woman behind the Azarine. Pada event ini Cella menjelaskan kalo Azarine sekarang hadir dengan look yang baru, juga menjelaskan beberapa produk-produk yang Azarine punya.

My name written on a cute cookies!

Who is Azarine?
There's no doubt that every woman wants to look beautiful. They even go the extra mile to maintain their beauty. Due to present lifestyle, however, it becomes harder for women to take care of their looks. Since they have busier routine as a businesswoman, entrepreneur, blogger, or young moms, they barely have time to pamper themselves to look fabulous. So, how to look beautiful when you got no time for that? Azarine has the solution! Here's why :
1. Easy to Use : Azarine's product are easy to use. You don't need to become an expert about beauty treatment in order to do it right.
2. Head to Toe : Azarine offers a wide selection of from head to toe products.
3. Natural Ingredients : Azarine's products are made of natural, unique, authentic, Indonesian ingredients.
4. A New Lifestyle : Since Azarine's products are easy to use, they become a solution for women's lifestyle, which is more complex and time-consuming nowadays.

Basic Spa at Home
1. Body Exfoliating : Apply the scrub evenly on your whole body. Let it sit for a while. And then scrub in rotating motion to remove dead skin cells. Rinse off with sponge using warm water.
2. Body Massage : Massage your desired body parts with aromatherapy massage oil according to your needs.
3. Body Mask : Apply the body mask on your whole body for tighter, softer, and healthier skin (you can also apply breast mask). Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.
4. Body Bath & Wash : Use Bath Foam, Herbal Tea, Milk Bath, or Salt Bath for soaking. Use Body Wash for cleansing.
5. Body Moisturizing : For moist and smooth looking skin, apply Body Lotion on your body. Apply Hand Cream to add moisture on your hands.

Do It Yourself - Body Lotion
Step 1. There are water and preservative in the bottom layer and oil in the top of layer inside the pot.

Do It Yourself - Body Lotion
Step 2. Stir the ingredients, pour emulsifier, stir again until it forms white lotion.

Do It Yourself - Body Lotion
Step 3. Mix the natural ingredients extract according to your needs. I chose Rose Extract. It's best to put the extracts only five drops.

Do It Yourself - Body Lotion
Step 4. Stir the lotion evenly.
Step 5. Mix the perfume based on your preference. I love lavender!

Do It Yourself - Bath Salt
Step 1. There are two colors of bath salt : pink and purple.
Step 2. Pour the bath salt inside the pot jar.

Do It Yourself - Bath Salt
Step 3. Add dried flowers if you'd like to.

Do It Yourself - Bath Salt
Step 4. Decorate the bath salt with available accessories from souvenir booth.

And that's a wrap. Thank you Azarine and Cella for having me. Anyway, get a 15% off discount with code "DEVITA15" only at Azarine's Online store!

Find Azarine more :

So, that’s practically what I want to say. Thanks for reading. I hope you find this post useful. I’ll see you soon!

W R I T T E N   W I T H   L O V E   B Y

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